"The challenges are still there. We are still trying to understand bee decline. It is a huge puzzle. But I think that the underlying issue here is human interference. How much we have actually done to this worly, to which we are very short sighted and we cannot see the consequences of our actions. We want to make things and get quick outcomes. This is not sustainable. Behind all the issues with bee decline is the human being. We are transforming the planet to a completely different place and the challenges are there for many species, not just the bees."
Paulo de Souza returns to the podcast today to provide us with further insights into his research into bee health and the tumbling global populations of our honey bees. In the inaugural Find Your Feet Podcast episode some two years ago, Paulo provide grave insights into the impact that bee decline will have on our health, our food production and our sustainability on the planet. The fact that shook me the most at the time was how the cost of my beloved apples might increase to over $100 per kilogram! This simple, scary fact has never left me and is simply an example of just how far reaching the consequences of global bee decline goes.
"You have to dig down first, to build a strong foundation before you build up."
Paulo has also been on a remarkable journey with his trail and ultra running career. When we first spoke he was delighted to be kicking goals over the marathon distance on the road. Since then he has completed a 100 miler race in the United States, as well as several 100km events, amongst many others. What I find so inspiring about his journey has been his ability to juggle all this with being a devoted father, husband, friend and researcher working at the international level. His life is rich and full with experiences, travelling frequently with his projects and to speak to audiences as he strives to highlight the significance of the projects that he works on.
It is such an honour to have Paulo back on the Find Your Feet Podcast and I know that you are going to gain so much from this podcast. It is so much richer than I could have even imagined.
It is such an honour to have Paulo back on the Find Your Feet Podcast and I know that you are going to gain so much from this podcast. It is so much richer than I could have even imagined.
"The inflation of prices is the first thing that we are going to notice when bee populations decline. Our farming will not be sustainable and the farmers will have to transfer the costs to you. If we are not willing to pay these prices then the farms will have to close. We are heading towards an iceberg. If we don't have bees to pollinate then we won't have produce."
"In the United States, beekeepers lost 40% of honey bee colonies over the past year. Given that they pollinate an estimated $15 billion in crops each year, we should be concerned. Australia's honey bee population is estimated to be stable and almost the biggest it has been in the past ten years. But with 647,000 bee hives and 20,081 bee keepers, if something like Varoa Mite hit, it would be absolutely devastating."
Topics covered in this podcast:
- Bee decline and the impact that human civilisation is having on this
- The impact that bee decline will have on our future food security
- The causes of global bee decline
- Consumerism and how bee decline will effect produce prices
- How we can support honey bee health in Australia
- Striving for excellence in fatherhood, relationships, running and research
- Moving beyond the numbers and running with mindfulness
- Setting big goals and executing with professionalism and playfulness
- Finding mindfulness on the run and practicing meditation at work
- Swarm sensing and protecting Australia's agricultural industries
- Tasmanian Honey Industry in Crisis
- Bees are dying: What can we do about it?
- The Global Initiative for Honey Bee Health with CSIRO
- Paulo de Souza Profile at CSIRO
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