“Behind every blog-worthy adventure & envy-inducing Instagram photo is the struggle between who I am & who I should be.”
Jodie Willett has an absolutely incredible backstory as an elite mountain bike rider and adventure racer who entered the competitive sporting world later in life. Our conversation took an in-depth exploration of how Jodie navigated high-level performance - the sacrifices, shortfalls, triumphs and emotional journey.
Jodie met me with openness and honesty throughout this conversation as we explored how her innate competiveness and determination to succeed allowed her to achieve impressive accolades- a mindset that resonated with my own journey to a world title. We could agree that the ‘successes’ when extrinsically pursued for validation or self-medication for other uncontrollable and uncomfortable events in our lives, never felt like we thought it would.
Every athlete will achieve a breakthrough, but it’s how you deal with those break throughs that makes you a champion. I talk about this quite a bit but knowing your definition of success is so important - not only in athletic pursuits, but life!
I feel as though Jodie’s experiences positively shape her coaching approach and allow her to share the effective strategies she knows to help her athletes overcome common pitfalls in the pursuit of performance.
Now in her forties, Jodie includes a balance between sport, her work as a coach and sports masseuse, being a mother, a partner, and owning her own business running mountain biking clinics for women and kids.
Keep up to date with Jodie via her blog, which is filled with honest, uncensored thoughts, touching on very real emotions that we all experience.
“Doing Godzone doesn’t scare me. It’s coming home and finding out that I am still the same.”
Powerful. Thank you so much for being on the podcast Jodie!
Main Points
- Personal sacrifices necessary to achieve elite athleticism
- Pursuing sporting passions in your twenties as opposed to thirties and forties
- Coaching approach
- Approaching competitive sport later in life
- Using sport to self-medicate
- How her experiences shape the way she coaches other athletes
I really hope you enjoy this conversation. You can show your support for the podcast by ‘liking it’ in Souncloud or ITunes, and sharing your favourite episodes and quotes with friends and family. Let me know if there is anyone you would like to hear on the podcast too!
Jodie met me with openness and honesty throughout this conversation as we explored how her innate competiveness and determination to succeed allowed her to achieve impressive accolades- a mindset that resonated with my own journey to a world title. We could agree that the ‘successes’ when extrinsically pursued for validation or self-medication for other uncontrollable and uncomfortable events in our lives, never felt like we thought it would.
Every athlete will achieve a breakthrough, but it’s how you deal with those break throughs that makes you a champion. I talk about this quite a bit but knowing your definition of success is so important - not only in athletic pursuits, but life!
I feel as though Jodie’s experiences positively shape her coaching approach and allow her to share the effective strategies she knows to help her athletes overcome common pitfalls in the pursuit of performance.
Now in her forties, Jodie includes a balance between sport, her work as a coach and sports masseuse, being a mother, a partner, and owning her own business running mountain biking clinics for women and kids.
Keep up to date with Jodie via her blog, which is filled with honest, uncensored thoughts, touching on very real emotions that we all experience.
“Doing Godzone doesn’t scare me. It’s coming home and finding out that I am still the same.”
Powerful. Thank you so much for being on the podcast Jodie!
Main Points
- Personal sacrifices necessary to achieve elite athleticism
- Pursuing sporting passions in your twenties as opposed to thirties and forties
- Coaching approach
- Approaching competitive sport later in life
- Using sport to self-medicate
- How her experiences shape the way she coaches other athletes
I really hope you enjoy this conversation. You can show your support for the podcast by ‘liking it’ in Souncloud or ITunes, and sharing your favourite episodes and quotes with friends and family. Let me know if there is anyone you would like to hear on the podcast too!
Choose to be happy. It’s a choice...
Stop waiting for some event or place or person to make you happy...
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