There is something really magical about this conversation with Jayn and Yeti. This discussion is a gentle, relaxed insight into their aspirations, approach to training and general relationship as they participate in the senior categories at trail & ultra distance events. What really inspires me is the way that they continue to strive to be both the best versions of themselves and the best partner that they can be to each other. Frequently they work together as a team, other times they strive toward their own dream. However, like two halves make a whole, they unite to kick some amazing goals.
What I also gained from listening Jayn and Yeti is that they know that the both number marking your age and the remoteness of where you live do not need to be the things that stop you from striving and accomplishing on the world stage. For example, Yeti is driven to be the best athlete he can. He prepares with vigour, using his local playground in southern Tasmania and the latest research & internet inspirations to continue to foster his physical development.
“It’s a new beginning…I started completely new… my times are much slower… but I accept that… I am always thankful when I finish a training.” - Yeti on running and aging
More recently, a challenging day at the Eiger Trail Ultra 101km in Switzerland has highlighted to him that now he must also spend the time strengthening his mindset & emotions. We talked a lot about this in our podcast. For Jayn, she is learning the importance of allowing herself to be 'an athlete' and to believe in her dreams just as much as other people who enjoy running. She is not the same driven athlete as Yeti. However, she is fostering a softer, more gentle and compassionate approach that has allowed her to move countries, raise a family, and still operate her own successful massage business to today.
In summary, Jayn and Yeti are a couple who can really show you that age should never be a barrier. They can show you that two individuals can come at their goals from different angles but still support one another to find their version of success. This conversation will help you to see the importance of holding strongly on to your sense of self in a relationship so that you can, in turn, continue to feed sunshine into the partnership.
If I had two pieces of guidance for Jayn and Yeti, for Yeti, it would be to sometimes recognise the importance of self-compassion in his progress towards his goals. For Jayn, it is to allow herself to celebrate her athleticism and with it her achievements.
I loved this low-key insight into the lives of athleticism in latter age and a life-long relationship. I hope you do too.
Take Home Points:
What I also gained from listening Jayn and Yeti is that they know that the both number marking your age and the remoteness of where you live do not need to be the things that stop you from striving and accomplishing on the world stage. For example, Yeti is driven to be the best athlete he can. He prepares with vigour, using his local playground in southern Tasmania and the latest research & internet inspirations to continue to foster his physical development.
“It’s a new beginning…I started completely new… my times are much slower… but I accept that… I am always thankful when I finish a training.” - Yeti on running and aging
More recently, a challenging day at the Eiger Trail Ultra 101km in Switzerland has highlighted to him that now he must also spend the time strengthening his mindset & emotions. We talked a lot about this in our podcast. For Jayn, she is learning the importance of allowing herself to be 'an athlete' and to believe in her dreams just as much as other people who enjoy running. She is not the same driven athlete as Yeti. However, she is fostering a softer, more gentle and compassionate approach that has allowed her to move countries, raise a family, and still operate her own successful massage business to today.
In summary, Jayn and Yeti are a couple who can really show you that age should never be a barrier. They can show you that two individuals can come at their goals from different angles but still support one another to find their version of success. This conversation will help you to see the importance of holding strongly on to your sense of self in a relationship so that you can, in turn, continue to feed sunshine into the partnership.
If I had two pieces of guidance for Jayn and Yeti, for Yeti, it would be to sometimes recognise the importance of self-compassion in his progress towards his goals. For Jayn, it is to allow herself to celebrate her athleticism and with it her achievements.
I loved this low-key insight into the lives of athleticism in latter age and a life-long relationship. I hope you do too.
Take Home Points:
- How we could define ‘success’ as an aging athlete
- Recognising the amazing inclusive community that the sport of trail running has for all ages.
- We all share similar emotional experiences in sport regardless of age and ability.
- We are never too old to set goals and improve our performance.
- Regardless of age we should all be able to call ourselves athletes and ride the highs and lows that come with being an athlete, and the lessons it provides.
“It’s a new beginning…I started completely new… my times are much slower… but I accept that… I am always thankful when I finish a training.” - Yeti on running and aging
We hope you enjoy this podcast episode!